Your exhibit booth creator

for trade shows in Germany

Transparency as benchmark

Your exhibit booth creator

for excellent design

Driven by creativity

Your exhibit booth creator

for competent management

Organisation skill is our success story

Your exhibit booth creator

for best products

Quality as top brand value

Your exhibit booth creator

for safe logistics

Experience as basis

We love what we build.
Exhibition booth construction guided from
the heart.

Dittmar Müller - Geschäftsführer CHRITTO Brand Spaces GmbH

We want to get an insight into your business and gain a thorough understanding of your challenges, so that we can provide a customized solution that offers measurable added value for you.

Dittmar Mueller Managing Director


We are happy when you are happy!

Current Trade Shows

We have assembled all relevant trade shows for you in our trade show calendar.

We are ready.
What about you?

Contact us for a no obligation consultation. We would be pleased to prepare a custom offer, created according to your wishes.

271 17th St NW Suite 1750
Atlanta, GA 30363


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CHRITTO, Inc. - Contact / Headquarter USA

CHRITTO, Inc – your link for
trade show booths in Europe

271 17th St NW Suite 1750
Atlanta, GA 30363

Tel. + 1 (404) 586-6818

CHRITTO Brand Spaces GmbH - We love what we build. Exhibition booth construction guided from the heart.

CHRITTO Brand Spaces GmbH
Heerstr. 280b
47053 Duisburg

Tel. +49 203 738873-0